Adam Schiff Pushes for Federal Incentives to Keep Hollywood Productions in America

“In order for the U.S. to maintain its standing as a leader in film and television production industry … we must create competitive, labor-based incentives,” he writes

Adam Schiff (Getty Images)
Adam Schiff (Getty Images)

In an effort to keep film and TV productions in the United States, candidate for U.S. Senate Adam Schiff is knocking on the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ doors for a greater federal incentive that can compete with other countries that often host Hollywood’s projects.

“In order for the U.S. to maintain its standing as a leader in the film and television production industry and spur more American jobs, we must create competitive, labor-based incentives for U.S. production,” the California representative wrote in a letter to the government entities on Thursday.

The letter also requested data on how overseas incentives may impact the domestic industry.

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